This directory contains example scripts for starting kubelet and kube-proxy in a way that works with Calico For Windows. The scripts assume that: - kube-proxy.exe and kubelet.exe are installed to c:\k\. - The HNS network name is "Calico". The install-kube-services script: - Install kubelet and kube-proxy service. The uninstall-kube-services script: - Uninstall kubelet and kube-proxy service. The kubelet-service script: - Forces kubelet to use the node name configured in the Calico configuration file. - Explicitly sets the node IP (we have seen kubelet sometimes detect the IP of the NAT interface instead of the main ethernet interface). The kube-proxy-service script: - Forces kube-proxy to use the node name configured in the Calico configuration file. - Enables the WinDSR and WinOverlay feature flags (for kube-proxy >=1.14). - The WinDSR flag is required for Kubernetes service ClusterIPs to work correctly with Calico policy. Without that flag, kube-proxy performs SNAT for all ClusterIPs resulting in Calico policy seeing the wrong source address. WinDSR also requires a compatible version of Windows. At the time of writing, Windows 19H1 build 18317 or later was required. (The current build of Windows 1809 / Server 2019 does not support DSR.) - The WinOverlay flag is required to enable VXLAN support. This also requires a compatible build of Windows.